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Dear Global Pioneer, Welcome to Pi Country. Your arrival is an important step towards the future. I will give you a detailed introduction to Pi Country, a global pioneer platform that integrates WEB3 ecology and supports multiple languages. In order to facilitate better access to Pioneer, we have provided the following three domain names, and you can visit any one. Website 1: https://picountry.com Website 2: https://picnty.com Website 3: https://piguodu.com 1. Multilingual support: Pi country adheres to the global multiculturalism, provides multilingual support, ensures that users use the platform in their familiar and convenient language, and promotes the participation and interaction of users around the world. 2. WEB3 Ecological Mall: We introduce the smart contract technology of Pi Network WEB3 to ensure the decentralization of mall functions and the security and transparency of transactions. Users can freely buy and sell goods around the world and experience a new digital economy model. 3. Decentralized community forum: Pi national community supports multilingual open discussion. Users can establish their own decentralized forum, share videos, music and moods, and promote the integration and exchange of global culture. 4. Token economic system: Users can get unique token rewards through sign-in, and follow the Pi public chain in the future to realize the decentralized management of token. This system provides users around the world with a safer and more transparent digital asset experience, overcoming language barriers and achieving global sharing of digital prosperity. 5. Global entertainment experience: real-time chat, movie watching, game play and other entertainment choices provide multilingual support to ensure that users feel the borderless interaction and entertainment experience in the country of Pi, and promote the global spread of digital culture. 6. Withdrawal second arrival function: WEB3's smart contract technology is introduced to realize the fast experience of withdrawal, so that every user can realize the free flow of funds in an instant, and enjoy the convenience of digital wealth at any time no matter where they are. 7. Recruitment function: In Pi country, we provide users with a global recruitment platform. Companies can publish recruitment information, and job seekers can browse job opportunities around the world. This function not only promotes the flow of global employment opportunities, but also provides users with a wider career development space. 8. Advertising function: Users can use the Pi country platform to publish advertisements to promote goods, services or personal brands. Through our advertising publishing function, users can convey information to the global audience at a lower cost, expand business and increase exposure. 9. Monetization function: Pi Country is committed to providing creators with diversified monetization channels. Users can subscribe to other users by publishing paid content, such as exclusive videos, articles, etc., and earn income in this way. This function encourages creators to contribute more actively to high-quality content and promote the prosperity of the platform's creative industry. The introduction of these functions aims to create an all-round and diversified Pi country, allowing users to achieve a comprehensive experience from shopping, social networking, entertainment to career development, advertising promotion and content creation on one platform. Thank you for your attention to Pi country. We look forward to providing you with a richer digital life experience. 尊敬的全球先锋: 欢迎莅临Pi国度,您的到来是我们迈向未来的重要一步。我将为您详细介绍这个融合WEB3生态、支持多语言的全球先锋平台——Pi国度,为方便先锋能更好访问,我们提供了下面3个域名,随便访问任何一个都可以 网址1:https://picountry.com 网址2:https://picnty.com 网址3:https://piguodu.com 1. 多语言支持:Pi国度秉承全球多元文化,提供多语言支持,确保用户以他们熟悉、方便的语言使用平台,促进全球用户的参与和互动。 2. WEB3生态商城:我们引入Pi Network WEB3的智能合约技术,确保商城功能的去中心化和交易的安全透明。用户可以在全球自由买卖商品,体验全新的数字经济模式。 3. 去中心化社区论坛:Pi国度社区支持多语言的开放讨论,用户可以建立自己的去中心化论坛,分享视频、音乐、心情,促进全球文化的融合和交流。 4. 通证经济系统:用户通过签到获得独特通证奖励,未来跟随Pi公链上链,实现通证的去中心化管理。这一系统为全球用户提供更安全、更透明的数字资产体验,跨越语言障碍,实现数字繁荣的全球共享。 5. 全球化娱乐体验:实时聊天、电影观看、游戏玩耍等娱乐选择提供多语言支持,确保用户在Pi国度中感受到无国界的互动和娱乐体验,推动数字文化的全球传播。 6. 提现秒到账功能:引入WEB3的智能合约技术,实现提现的极速体验,让每位用户都能在瞬间实现资金自由流通,无论身在何地都能随时享受数字财富的便捷。 7. 招聘应聘功能: 在Pi国度,我们为用户提供了全球性的招聘应聘平台。企业可以发布招聘信息,而求职者可以浏览全球各地的职位机会。这一功能不仅促进了全球就业机会的流动,也为用户提供了更广泛的职业发展空间。 8. 发布广告功能: 用户可以利用Pi国度平台发布广告,实现商品、服务或个人品牌的推广。通过我们的广告发布功能,用户可以以更低的成本将信息传达给全球观众,拓展业务和提高曝光度。 9. 货币化功能:Pi国度致力于为创作者提供多样化的货币化途径。用户可以通过发布收费内容,比如独家视频、文章等,让其他用户进行订阅,并通过这种方式获得收入。这一功能鼓励创作者更加积极地贡献优质内容,推动平台创意产业的繁荣。 这些功能的引入旨在打造一个全方位、多元化的Pi国度,让用户在一个平台上能够实现从购物、社交、娱乐到职业发展、广告推广以及内容创作的全面体验。感谢您对Pi国度的关注,我们期待为您提供更丰富的数字生活体验。

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